JSC Daugavpils Lokomotīvju Remonta Rūpnīca (delistinguota)
AS Daugavpils Lokomotīvju Remonta Rūpnīca works in two directions : repair of rolling stock and sub-contracting metalworking.
JSC Daugavpils Lokomotīvju Remonta Rūpnīca veikla
DLRR was founded in 1866 as a base for steam locomotive repair workshops. In 1965 the plant was redesigned for overhaul of diesel locomotives.
DLRR is the biggest company in Baltic states , which overhauls and modernizes rolling stock:
- Repair and modernization of mainline locomotives, shunters, DMU and EMU trains
- Repair and modernization of passenger carriages
- Repair of equipment: wheelsets, diesel engines, diesel locomotive and electric train aggregates.
- Spare parts for rolling stock
Investuotojo kalendorius:
Company informs that 2017 interim condensed financial statement filing scheduled for the following dates:
for 3 months – 2017 on May 24.
for 6 months – 2017 on August 23.
for 9 months – 2017 on November 22.
for 12 months – 2018 on February 21.
Kompanijos puslapio adresas.