Penktadienis, 17 sausio, 2025
Mokomieji Straipsniai

JAV verslininkai siunčia Prezidentui linkėjimus. Geriau nežinoti…

Siunčia Prezidentui linkėjimus. Vėl aš su savo niekam nereikalingom blevyzgom… Amerikos gamybos įmonių pardavimų vadybininkų indeksas krito žemiau 50 ribos, kas reiškia traukimąsi. Išvertus į žmonių kalbą (gerą mokytoją turiu) – verslai sako, kad ateina ekonominė žiema ir nifiga nieko nepirks ir šiaip kad viskas labai blogai.

Labiausiai susitraukęs komponentas – eksportas. Jei kas nors vis dar netiki, kad recesija jau čia – gal vertėtų atsimerkti.

Ir linkėjimai Donald‘ui – štai ką sako verslininkai:

• „Seeing some relief in the availability of electronic components in the marketplace, but there are still pockets of short supply, allocation, long lead times and the like. Tariffs continue to be a strain on the supply chain and the economy overall.” (Computer & Electronic Products)

• „While business is strong, there is an undercurrent of fear and alarm regarding the trade wars and a potential recession.” (Chemical Products)

• „Slowest month (July) this year so far in sales.” (Transportation Equipment)

• „Late planting of the corn and soybean crops has increased uncertainty over the final acres and yields. This is leading to volatile markets.” (Food, Beverage & Tobacco Products)

• „Slightly lower rate of incoming orders may be seasonal or a sign of a general slowdown. Monitoring closely.” (Fabricated Metal Products)

Siunčia Prezidentui linkėjimus

• „Incoming sales seem to be slowing down, and this is usually our busiest season. Concerns about the economy and tariffs.” (Furniture & Related Products)

• „Business is starting to show signs of a broad slowdown.” (Machinery)

• „Generally, business remains steady. However, we continue to plan for a hard Brexit and a long trade war between the U.S. and China.” (Miscellaneous Manufacturing)

• „The market for large building structures is slowing.” (Nonmetallic Mineral Products)

• „Current business is OK, nothing to brag about. Under projections and slightly below last year, [but] margins are hanging in there.” (Plastics & Rubber Products)

Amerikos BVP augimo stiprėjimo nelaukit. Gi rinkimai artėja, apsiramink, bo neišrinks. (Čia Trump‘ui)

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