Antradienis, 18 vasario, 2025

JSC Rīgas juvelierizstrādājumu rūpnīca

AS Rigas juvelierizstradajumu rupnica manufactures and repairs jewelry. It is also engaged in the business of processing of precious metals.

Current Joint-Stock Company „Riga Jewelry Factory” was established in 1997, as a result of privatization of the State Riga Jewelry Factory, transforming the state enterprise into the joint-stock company and simultaneously selling the shares of this company.

The main areas of activity of the Joint-Stock Company „Riga Jewelry Factory” are the following:

  • – manufacturing of jewelry;
  • – trade and trade mediation activities with jewelry;
  • – buying up precious metals;
  • – jewelry repair works.

The Joint-Stock Company „Riga Jewelry Factory” invites to visit our enterprise. We hope for fruitful and beneficial cooperation.

Investuotojo Kalendorius:

3 months financial report for year 2020.g. will be published in the 21st week of 2020 (till 22.05.20.)

6 months financial report for year 2020.g. will be published in the 34th week of 2020 (till 21.08.20.)

9 months financial report for year 2020.g. will be published in the 47th week of 2020 (till 20.11.20.)

Daugiau Latvijos kompanijų akcijų.

Kompanijos puslapis

Financial and Capital Market Commission on November 11, 2020 informed about the decision to allow AS „Rīgas juvelierizstrādājumu rūpnīca” shareholder SIA „Namejs 1”, reg. No. 40003495045, to announce the mandatory takeover bid of AS „Rīgas juvelierizstrādājumu rūpnīca” shares, approving the share repurchase price of EUR 0.27 (twenty seven cents) per share of the company.

            The announcement of the mandatory share repurchase offer was published in the official journal “Latvijas Vēstnesis” on November 19, 2020.

            The Board of company has evaluated the mandatory share repurchase offer of the SIA „NAMEJS 1” and concluded that it complies with the requirements of regulatory enactments.

            Taking into account the fact that the Offeror intends to continue the commercial activities of the AS „Rīgas juvelierizstrādājumu rūpnīca”, the Board considers that the implementation of the Offer is not related to change of business principles and suspension or termination of the main industry – jewelry production, jewelry wholesale and retail.

            The employees of the AS „Rīgas juvelierizstrādājumu rūpnīca” will keep their jobs in accordance with the concluded agreements. Thus, employment in the AS „Rīgas juvelierizstrādājumu rūpnīca” will not be affected, as well as the location of business will not be changed.

The closing of the share repurchase offer will be followed by the exclusion of the shares from the regulated market.


On February 15, 2021 JSC „Rīgas juvelierizstrādājumu rūpnīca” have received from SIA „NAMEJS 1”, Valentins Istomins, Aleftīna Struļeviča, Vladimirs Cadovičs and Sergejs  Safronovs following notice about share purchase offer:

On October 6, 2020, the extraordinary shareholders’ meeting of the joint stock company “Rīgas juvelierizstrādājumu rūpnīca” adopted a decision on the exclusion of shares from the regulated market.

SIA „NAMEJS 1”, Valentins Istomins, Aleftīna Struļeviča, Vladimirs Cadovičs and Sergejs  Safronovs, acting in concert, have all together decided to take additional actions to increase their stake and reach 95% of the total number of shares until delisting.

On February 11, 2021, SIA „NAMEJS 1”, Valentins Istomins, Aleftīna Struļeviča, Vladimirs Cadovičs and Sergejs  Safronovs together own 4,492,438 shares of the JSC “Rīgas juvelierizstrādājumu rūpnīca”, or 94.72% of the total number of shares.

Minority shareholders who failed to sell their shares during the mandatory share repurchase offer may do so for the same repurchase price of EUR 0.27 per share by calling + 371 29900551 or writing to

The offer is valid until February 18, 2021.