AS Linda Nektar
Nasdaq (Nasdaq: NDAQ) praneša, kad Estijos gėrimų gamybos bendrovės AS Linda Nektar akcijomis pradėta prekiauti First North Baltijos rinkoje nuo š.m. gegužės 28 d. Bendrovės biržos simbolis – „LINDA“. AS Linda Nektar specializuojasi fermentuotų gėrimų gamyboje. Bendrovė rengiasi didinti gamybos pajėgumus, bei planuoja, kad investicijos į maisto technologijų mokslinius tyrimus ir plėtrą padidins jos pajamas.
Šiuo metu AS Linda Nektar veikia Baltijos šalyse ir Suomijoje bei planuoja verslo plėtrą naujose rinkose.
AS Linda Nektar siekis eksportuoti savo know-how užsienio rinkose užkoduoja reikalavimą būti žinomai tarptautinėje erdvėje ir turėti lėšų įsigijimams. Taigi First North – tai šio etapo logiškas žingsnis ir padėka investavusiems į bendrovės akcijas“, – sakė Erikas Hagströmas, AS Linda Nektar stebėtojų tarybos pirmininkas.
– „Mūsų tikslas – ir kapitalo augimas, ir dividendų mokėjimas, atsižvelgiant į palankias darbo sąlygas ir atitinkamus akcininkų sprendimus visuotiniuose akcininkų susirinkimuose“.
„First North rinka buvo sukurta tam, kad augančios bendrovės turėtų galimybę lengviau ateiti į kapitalo rinką, o AS Linda Nektar pavyzdys įrodo, kad tikslas pasiektas. Sveikiname AS Linda Nektar pasirinkus Nasdaq First North“, – sakė Rauno Klettenbergas, Nasdaq Tallinn vadovas.
AS Linda Nektar Sertifikuotas patarėjas – LHV Pankas.
Daugiau informacijos apie AS Linda Nektar
The Listing and Surveillance Committee of NASDAQ OMX Tallinn AS decided on May 27, 2015 to approve the application of AS Linda Nektar and to admit its 1,575,109 shares to trading on MTF First North operated by NASDAQ OMX Tallinn AS.
The first trading day of AS Linda Nektar shares is May 29, 2015.
Papildoma informacija:
Issuer’s name | AS Linda Nektar |
Issuer’s short name | LINDA |
ISIN code | EE3100060344 |
Nominal value of shares | 1 EUR |
Number of shares | 1,575,109 |
Orderbook short name | LINDA |
Orderbook ID | 109982 |
Market (in trading system INET Nordic) | First North Tallinn |
Linda Nektar 2013.pdf
Linda Nektar audit 2014.pdf
Linda Nektar 2014.pdf
Linda Nektar Company Description.pdf
The Company’s roots are in a Soviet-era enterprise founded in the late 1940s. Wine production of local apples and berries started in the 1960s and Linda Nektar was privatised in 1992. The Company’s more recent history can be illustrated in three distinct phases:
Phase I: The history
A traditional beverage production in 1993-2002 which started with the majority of shares of Linda Nektar being purchased by the Finnish alcohol monopoly Primalco in 1993 and was followed by transferring of new tanks and equipment from Primalco’s site in Helsinki in 1998.
The period came to an end in 2002 when the current core shareholder purchased the majority ownership and refocused Linda Nektar’s operations from bottling and final consumer products to a Business-to-Business model.
Phase II: The improvements
The Company underwent a period of evolution during 2003-2011 during which it made significant improvements and investments to its production equipment installing new fermentation tanks and modern cross flow filtration equipment.
One of the most important milestones was the pioneering (first in the world) introduction of Iso Mix mixers technology to boost fermentation efficiency in 2005.
Phase III: Looking to the future
During the most recent few years the Company’s focus has been on several growth areas which also includes completion of a new fermentation building and increasing output capacity which were also supported by the grants provided by the Estonian Agricultural Registers and Information Board (PRIA).This increase in capacity is already being successfully utilised today.
However, undoubtedly the most intriguing development has been the initiation and pursuit of yet another pioneering technological breakthrough – unique aroma stripping and recovery technology.
So far central to Linda Nektar’s operations have been the improved fermenting process of fruit wine for the beverages industry. The aroma production technique was originally a spin-off from the development work.
The strategy for developing the aroma production business is to identify and engage partners for both building equipment and distributing the technology and products worldwide.
Investments are requiredto finish developing the equipment and the related production of consumables and build-up of the business model.The market for this sort of aroma technology customers is global.
The present investment programme for the upcoming years, totalling EUR 2.5m, consists of:
- increasing current production capacity and implementing new technology
- building aroma production units in co-operation with chosen partners
Acquisitions are consideredas part of the tools to facilitate a more swift international expansion. Therefore the listing of the share on First North are seen also as a strategic step in creating a currency (in form of tradable shares) as a means to finance such transactions.
The listing of shares on First North also enables Linda Nektar to go forward with a stock option programme to align the interests of key personnel with those of shareholders and where necessary attract new specialists.
The volume of the approved option programme shall be up to 3% of the total registered share capital of the Company as at 31.12.2015 and term of the options shall be 3 years from the time of being granted.
The Supervisory Board of the Company is authorised to determine the exact persons eligible to participate in the option programme and the number of options granted to such persons The ticker of the Company will be ‘LINDA’ and the shares are expected to commence trading on Friday, 29 May 2015 on Nasdaq Tallinn First North.
Linda Nektar has appointed LHV Pank as Certified Adviser.
The Chairman of the Supervisory Board of the Company since 2001 and the largest shareholder, Mr Ernst Erik Hagström, was born in 1956. In 1980 he graduated as an engineer of production technology from TekniskaLäroverketi Helsingfors andalso studied economics at SvenskaHandelshögskolani Helsingfors (1979 – 1981).
Since 2001 he has been acting as the manager of B&S Nordic Ab. His previous positions include various managerial and development related positions at OyChymosJuomat Ab (1996 – 2000), OySuomenMarjat Ab (1989 – 1995), UponorOy / Ab Group function at Fristad Sweden (1986 – 1989) and other roles, including the position of managing director, of OySuomenMuovitehdas Ab.
Ms Kadri Rauba is the CEO and the sole member of the Company’s Management Board. Born in 1970 she graduated from the University of Tartu in 2011. Before joining the Company in 2005, Ms Rauba worked as the Chairman of Management Board of OÜ LiitvaPuit. Her previous professional engagements include consultant work in a notary’s office and an office manager position at AS RäpinaMetsamajand.
A minority shareholder and a member of the Supervisory Board, Mr Kuldar Leis, was born in 1968 and graduated from the University of Tartu in 1993, specialising in credit and finance. He also holds a diploma in dairy technology. He is currently serving as a member of the Supervisory Board of an Estonian listed company, AS PRFoods, of the Food and Competence Centre of Food and Fermentation Technology and he is also a Council member of the Estonian Food Industry Association.
The third member of the Supervisory Board, Mrs Margit Pill, was born in 1956. In 1979 she graduated from the Faculty of Chemistry and Physics of the University of Tartu and obtained a degree in organic chemistry. Since 2006 Mrs Pill has been acting as the division manager of AS Saarek. Before joining AS Saarek she worked as the production manager of the Reola production unit of AS A Le Coq.
Between 1995 and 2003 Mrs Pill worked as the laboratory manager of AS Ösel Foods. Her previous positions include project manager of pheromones and laboratory manager in OÜ Flora.
Key FinancialsEUR ‘000s | 2010 | 2011 | 2012 | 2013 | 2014 |
Sales | 1,931 | 2,790 | 3,460 | 3,659 | 2,745 |
Operating profit | 469 | 673 | 900 | 819 | 394 |
Net profit | 451 | 642 | 853 | 737 | 324 |
R&D expenses | 6 | 3 | 10 | 171 | 273 |
R&D adjusted net profit | 457 | 645 | 863 | 908 | 597 |
Cash | 277 | 751 | 325 | 623 | 710 |
Liabilities | 119 | 129 | 126 | 248 | 180 |
Assets | 975 | 1,505 | 2,176 | 2,728 | 2,722 |
Dividends paid* | 48 | 122 | 179 | 307 | 262 |
* paid out during the year for the profits of the previous year