Ketvirtadienis, 16 sausio, 2025

JSC Grindeks

JSC Grindeks is the leading pharmaceutical company in the Baltic States. Its main fields of action are: research, development, manufacturing and sale of original products, generics and active pharmaceutical ingredients. The company consists of four subsidiary companies in countries: Latvia, Estonia and Russia, as well as representative offices in 13 countries.

JSC Grindeks informs of identifying four major strategy development directions of Group’s strategy until 2025:

  1. range increase of the active pharmaceutical ingredients and the final dosage forms;
  2. expansion in the new markets – European Union countries, US, Japan, South Korea, Australia and New Zealand;
  3. enlargement of the manufacturing infrastructure in Latvia;
  4. development of the subsidiary JSC “Kalceks”.

JSC Grindeks strategy assumes the company to continue the focus on expanding the product range of cardiovascular, central nervous system, oncology and diabetes medications. It is expected, that in 2025 product range of mentioned therapeutic groups will consist of 105 final dosage form units, which will be exported to 97 countries around the world.

To strengthen the positions in being competitive and independent regarding the foreign active pharmaceutical ingredient manufacturers, it is planned to expand “Grindeks” range of active pharmaceutical ingredients to at least 40 substances in 2025.

Grindeks Kalendorius:

The company plans to publish its:

  • non-audited interim financial statement for the 12-month period of 2020 on 26 February 2021;
  • non-audited interim financial statement for the 3-month period of 2021 on 31 May 2021;
  • non-audited interim financial statement for the 6-month period of 2021 on 30 August 2021;
  • non-audited interim financial statement for the 9-month period of 2021 on 30 November 2021.

The audited separate and consolidated financial statement of Grindeks JSC of 2020 is scheduled for 30 April 2021.

Kompanijos puslapis

Daugiau Latvijos kompanijų akcijų

Delisting of AS „Grindeks” shares from the Baltic Main list

Joint Stock Company “Grindeks” hereby informs that Nasdaq Riga decided on February 12, 2021 to approve the application of AS „Grindeks” and to delist its 9 585 000 bearer shares (ISIN LV0000100659, ticker GRD1R) from the Baltic Main List. The last listing day of AS „Grindeks” is set to February 19, 2021.

AS „Grindeks shareholders resolved on applying for delisting from the regulated market in the extraordinary general meeting of shareholders on November 12, 2020. The mandatory takeover bid was launched, and it closed on January 22, 2021. After the mandatory takeover of shares, SIA „Liplat Holding” directly owns 9 276 522 shares of the Company, which constitute 96,78% of the Company’s voting shares.